When I entered this line a couple of years back in my current organization, it is because of my urge to move away from product based HR space to process based HR space. One of the main challenge i found in the past two years is that identifying the right resources to my team. This function requires right blend of product skills; consulting skills; HR process skills; change management and project management skills. Often finding all these competencies or willingness to learn from people was very difficult. This experience further proves how early stages this stream is in HR.
The expected deliverables from this function are:
- Build HR Information Management strategic roadmap based on the HR business strategy
- Develop HR technology roadmap based on HRIM strategic roadmap
- Execute the projects in the roadmap aligning both information management and technology strategy
- Manage the change for the organization
- Build and operate the sustain process for organization.
- Analtyics and reporting.
Typically the application and solution landscape covered in this space is published recently in AMR research, 2007.
In your opinion, what is the level of technical competency and familiarity to a particular HRIS system is essential to fill the HRIM role effectively?
We need to differentiate between HR System Analysts (HRIM) and HR system technology experts (HRIT) or developers.
As a HRIM profile, you are required to understand an application from process and technology perspective in detail. But you may not be required to develop/modify the application.
The HRIS system detailed knowledge can easily be acquired if we have thorough understanding of the business processes, say six months.
Can give you my example, it took approximately 6 months of SAP HR knowledge to understand in detail Personnel Administration and Org Management module. That is because i had thorough grounding on HR business processes earlier.
To be a good HRIM professional technolgoy acumen is very essential.
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